Monday, 7 October 2024 | 5-8 PM PST | Aria Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
Join the Events Industry Council as we celebrate our 75th anniversary and the presentation of our annual Global Awards. This memorable and meaningful event will celebrate industry luminaries past and present.
The black-tie gala will include a powerhouse networking reception and dinner.
Sponsor and Table Host Opportunities
Premier: $25,000 USD
Recognised as an EIC Strategic Partner for one year
Admission for twenty (20) guests
Premium reserved seating at the event
Verbal recognition during the event programme
Full-page ad in the programme guide
Your company logo on the Events Industry Council website and event signage (digital)
Logo recognition in all blast email marketing communications
Recognition on EIC social channels
Champion: $12,000 USD
Admission for twenty (20) guests
Premium reserved seating at the event
Verbal recognition during event programme
Full-page ad in the programme guide
Your company logo on the Events Industry Council website and event signage (digital)
Logo recognition in all blast email marketing communications
Recognition on EIC social channels
Benefactor: $9,000 USD
Admission for fifteen (15) guests
Premier reserved seating at the event
Verbal recognition during event programme
Half-page ad in the programme guide
Your company logo on the Events Industry Council website and event signage (digital)
Logo recognition in all blast email marketing communications
Recognition on EIC social channels
Partner: $7,000 USD
Admission for ten (10) guests
Preferred reserved seating at the event
Verbal recognition during event programme
Quarter-page ad in the programme guide
Your company logo on the Events Industry Council website and event signage (digital)
Logo recognition in all blast email marketing communications
Recognition on EIC social channels
Patron: $4,000 USD
Admission for five (5) guests
Verbal recognition during event
Your company logo on the Events Industry Council website and event signage (digital)
Logo recognition in all blast email marketing communications
For more information contact awards@eventscouncil.org
Support the EIC Foundation: A portion of the proceeds from the 75th Anniversary and Global Awards Celebration will go to the EIC Foundation, our nonprofit arm supporting important research projects and education opportunities for our shared global business events community.